Week Two Top Five
1. Academics are really important here
It has been very interesting to learn more about the Taiwanese education system from my host family. My host siblings are in classes significantly more than the typical American student. Both of them are very hardworking and take their studies very seriously. It certainly motivates me to do the same!
2. Fruit in Taiwan is delicious
The fruit here is incredibly fresh. We have a plate of fruit every day after dinner and I really enjoy trying different types of fruits. For example, I had never eaten guava before I came to Taiwan and now it is certainly one of my favorite fruits.
3. Going to the pool means swimming laps
Unlike in America where I go to the pool to hang out with friends or family, going to the pool here normally involves swimming laps. However, this is still a leisure activity. You swim a lap, talk a little bit at the end of the lane and then swim another lap. After swimming for a while, we often go to the hot tub (or the cold tub!). I really enjoy going to the pool here and it is interesting to see how it is different than America.
4. I can (sort of) use a pottery wheel
This week, I did pottery for the first time! Although the cup I made is a a strange shape, it should function. I really enjoyed making it and am grateful I had the opportunity to learn about this Taiwanese art form.
5. These nine months are going to fly by
It's hard for me to believe I have already lived here for two weeks. I am beginning to realize that the time is going to go really fast. This is definitely motivating me to study hard and take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way.